Saturday, 11 May 2013

Pre eclamsia

35 weeks exactly and i go to my wonderful doctor for a standard scan. I have the usual tests, blood pressure (which has been slightly up through pregnancy), weight gain and the test for protein in urine. My blood pressure is high and the nurse tells me that I also have protein in my urine. Not great results but i wasn't expecting them to be a major issue.

I enter the room to see the doctor and my doctor very calmly tells me as i am being scanned that i will be admitted to hospital immediately as i have pre eclamsia. I will be given steroid shots 12 hours apart today and we will take the babies out tomorrow. I can tell that he seems to think whatever is going on is pretty serious and i obligingly sign the consent form and Mike drives me to the hospital around the corner to check in.  

I knew I didn't feel very good as I had a very poor sleep the night before along with a headache and nausea. Another 2 signs of pre eclamsia which can be easily dismissed as normal pregnancy signs. I was upset to be having the babies as I had really wanted to get to 36 weeks or my ultimate target of 37 weeks. But 35 weeks isn't too bad for twins and again these are risks that every twin pregnancy carries and many deliver way before they even get this far.

So I settled into the hospital and tried to get some rest whilst Mike went home to collect my things and take Merlot the puppy to our friends house, his holiday home.

I knew that it was very important for me to get some good quality rest if I was to have a c section in the morning so I calmed myself down and tried to relax as much as possible. I was monitored regularly, bloods where taken and the babies heartbeats where monitored every 4 hours. All my stats where improving and I had began to feel much better the longer I stayed. The doctor rang me to say that there was a small chance that we could maybe leave the babies in for a little longer but still to be prepared for the possibility for a c section the following day.

To cut this story short the doctor returned the next day to tell me that we would try to keep them in a little longer. I was to stay in hospital for 2 nights and then be allowed home on strict bed rest which means bed and bathroom only. That's where I am today so i have lots of time on my hands to continue writing. Well for the next 2 days anyway.Ahhhhhhhhhhhh the babies are coming.

The doctor has been very clear with me that pre eclamsia doesn't go away i still have it and it can get worse at any time so i have to be vigilant of symptoms and follow doctors orders which I am happy to do.

Useful links:

Dr Amir Nasseri - Obstetrics and gynocology - Specialist in high risk pregnancy

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