Saturday, 11 May 2013

The rest of the pregnancy

The rest of this pregnancy has gone much like any other i think. People often ask me what it is like being pregnant with twins but as i have no comparison I really have no idea. I am told that I have twice the hormones, twice the blood flow and twice the weight and am therefore twice as pregnant, but I really couldn't tell you how my experience of pregnancy is any different from anyone expecting one baby.

Of course with all those multiples I also have what is deemed a high risk pregnancy, which has meant many more doctors visits and allot more caution. My doctor asked me to stop working at 27 weeks and go on semi bed rest. This involved doing very little, but I was still allowed to pop to the shops for a quick visit, go for coffee and walk the puppy. Although not ideal from a sanity and financial point of view, I have discovered a love for spending time on my own doing nothing. Which of course I must put behind me in the coming days and develop a new love for never being alone.

I have got to admit that in the past I had romanticised pregnancy as I think many do. I am sure every ones experience is very different. Again I don't want to trivialise the mind boggling amazingness that the human body can grow another human being or two and I am more grateful than I could possibly be that I have been blessed with the opportunity to grow 2 babies at the same time. However, pregnancy is a collection of ailments and I'm really not sure how people can love it so much. I love it when the babies kick and move, that is truly incredible, but when I have sickness, headaches, exhaustion, shortness of breath, rib pain, inability to sleep through the night and carpel tunnel I cant see the attraction. I am shocked when people come and tell me how much they miss being pregnant. All I can imagine is it is the mind playing tricks on them making them forget all these symptoms and the fact that they couldn't enjoy a bottle of red wine of an evening to make themselves feel better.

All in all i do feel i have been very lucky, I haven't had the problems that i know many others have had in both multiple and single pregnancies, heart burn, back pain and swollen ankles. Not to mention the more serious problems that many close to me have experienced. I'm not there yet but I feel very happy to be where I am very close to full term with my twin babies.

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