Friday, 10 May 2013

The first scan

Wednesday October 10th 2012

6weeks and 3 days pregnant

We are both still cautious and waiting to see if the doctor can see a baby in the right place and with a heartbeat. Or maybe more than one as the high HCG test could indicate. On the way to the clinic I wipe 2 eyelashes from Mikes cheek and you can imagine what our wishes where as we both blew them from my thumb.

The doctor detects a baby quickly and quickly turns the sound up so we hear a heartbeat. That was the sound I was waiting for and I'm very happy but a vocal expression doesn't seem appropriate in the tiny room with the doctor and nurse so Mike and I share a smile. I say to the doctor ''only one then'' and he replied ''dont know haven't looked yet''. A few seconds later and ''there is the other one'' we hear another heartbeat and twinshock slowly starts to set in. Although we knew this was a possibility it is still a massive shock. All both of us could say on the way home was "two babies" over and over. I think Mike is more excited by this news than I am at this stage, as i am a little bit more aware of the practicalities of a twin pregnancy, but it doesn't take me long to come around to the idea and begin to love it.

A few days later at 6 weeks and 6 days I start to feel quite sick and this then lasts into about the 14th week of pregnancy. The symptoms and ailments of pregnancy begin but at this stage they are very reassuring that things are ok. I only have a few occasions when I am actually sick once when i am in pain and am driving to the doctors and am very nearly sick down myself. Not a high point.

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